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Unleash Your Best Self: The Power of a Low-Carb Diet


Below is a sample low-carb, non-vegetarian diet chart with estimated calorie ranges, meal times, and associated benefits. Please note that these are approximate values, and individual calorie needs may vary based on factors like age, sex, weight, activity level, and health conditions


  • Stable Blood Sugar Levels:
  • Helps in maintaining consistent energy levels throughout the day.
  • Weight Management:
  • Supports weight loss by promoting fat utilization for energy.
  • Improved Mental Clarity:
  • Enhances cognitive function and mental focus.
  • Increased Satiety:
  • Low-carb, protein-rich foods are often more filling, reducing feelings of hunger.
  • Enhanced Physical Endurance:
  • Supports sustained energy during workouts.


  • Caloric Intake:
  • Adjust portion sizes based on individual caloric needs and goals.
  • Hydration:
  • Stay well-hydrated by drinking water, herbal teas, or other non-caloric beverages.
  • Whole Foods:
  • Emphasize whole, nutrient-dense foods for optimal nutrition.
  • Consultation:
  • Consult with a healthcare professional or dietitian for personalized advice.

Day Sample Low-Carb Non-Vegetarian

Breakfast (7:30 AM – 8:30 AM):

  • Scrambled eggs with spinach and feta (2 eggs) (200 calories)
  • Smoked salmon (50g) (70 calories)
  • Avocado slices (100g) (160 calories)
  • Total: ~430 calories

Mid-Morning Snack (10:30 AM):

  • Greek yogurt (150g) with almonds (30g) (200 calories)
  • Berries (strawberries or blueberries) (50g) (20 calories)
  • Total: ~220 calories

Lunch (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM):

  • Grilled chicken breast (150g) or salmon (200g) (250 calories)
  • Cauliflower rice or broccoli rice (150g) (30 calories)
  • Mixed vegetable salad with olive oil and lemon dressing (100g) (80 calories)
  • Total: ~360 calories

Afternoon Snack (4:00 PM):

  • Cottage cheese (paneer) cubes (100g) (220 calories)
  • Cucumber and bell pepper slices (50g) (15 calories)
  • Total: ~235 calories

Dinner (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM):

  • Baked chicken thighs (150g) or grilled fish (250 calories)
  • Asparagus or green beans (150g) (40 calories)
  • Zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash (150g) (20 calories)
  • Total: ~310 calories

Evening Snack (9:00 PM):

  • Herbal tea or black coffee (0 calories)
  • A small bowl of mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries) (50g) (20 calories)
  • Total: ~20 calories

Before Bed Snack (10:30 PM):

  • Warm almond milk (150ml) (40 calories)
  • A few almonds (10g) (70 calories)
  • Total: ~110 calories

Day Sample Low-Carb Diet Chart Vegetarian

Breakfast (7:30 AM – 8:30 AM):

  • 2 boiled eggs (140 calories)
  • Spinach and feta omelet (1 egg) (100 calories)
  • Avocado slices (160 calories)
  • Total: ~400 calories

Mid-Morning Snack (10:30 AM):

  • Greek yogurt (150g) with almonds (30g) (200 calories)
  • Berries (strawberries or blueberries) (50g) (20 calories)
  • Total: ~220 calories

Lunch (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM):

  • Grilled chicken breast (150g) or tofu (200g) (250 calories)
  • Cauliflower rice or broccoli rice (150g) (30 calories)
  • Mixed vegetable salad with olive oil and lemon dressing (100g) (80 calories)
  • Total: ~360 calories

Afternoon Snack (4:00 PM):

  • Cottage cheese (paneer) cubes (100g) (220 calories)
  • Cucumber and bell pepper slices (50g) (15 calories)
  • Total: ~235 calories

Dinner (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM):

  • Baked salmon (150g) or a lentil-based curry for vegetarians (250 calories)
  • Asparagus or green beans (150g) (40 calories)
  • Zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash (150g) (20 calories)
  • Total: ~310 calories

Evening Snack (9:00 PM):

  • Herbal tea or black coffee (0 calories)
  • A small bowl of mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries) (50g) (20 calories)
  • Total: ~20 calories

Before Bed Snack (10:30 PM):

  • Warm almond milk (150ml) (40 calories)
  • A few almonds (10g) (70 calories)
  • Total: ~110 calories

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