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Mediterranean for Weight Loss Shed Pounds with a Wholesome Diet


Here’s a 7-day balanced diet plan for both non-vegetarian and vegetarian options, along with potential benefits and approximate calorie ranges. Please note that the calorie values are estimates, and individual needs may vary.


  • Nutrient Diversity: Both plans provide a variety of nutrients, including proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Energy Balance: The calorie distribution aims to provide sufficient energy for daily activities without excess.
  • Protein Intake: Adequate protein intake supports muscle maintenance and overall health.
  • Fiber-Rich: The plans include whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, promoting digestive health.
  • Hydration: Water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables contribute to overall hydration.

Mediterranean Diet ( Non-Vegetarian )

Breakfast (Calories: ~350-400):

  • Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes
  • Whole grain toast or roti
  • A small bowl of yogurt

Mid-Morning Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • A handful of mixed nuts
  • An apple or a banana

Lunch (Calories: ~500-550):

  • Grilled chicken or fish
  • Brown rice or quinoa
  • Mixed vegetable salad with olive oil dressing

Afternoon Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • Greek yogurt with chia seeds
  • Carrot and cucumber sticks

Dinner (Calories: ~450-500):

  • Lentil soup (dal) or chickpea curry
  • Grilled or baked chicken breast or fish
  • Quinoa or whole wheat roti
  • Steamed vegetables

Before Bed Snack (Calories: ~100):

  • A glass of warm milk
  • A few soaked almonds

Mediterranean Diet ( Vegetarian )

Breakfast (Calories: ~350-400):

  • Vegetable omelette or poha
  • Whole grain toast or multigrain paratha
  • A small bowl of curd

Mid-Morning Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • A fruit salad with chaat masala
  • A handful of roasted chickpeas or peanuts

Lunch (Calories: ~500-550):

  • Mixed vegetable curry
  • Brown rice or whole wheat roti
  • Salad with a mix of colorful vegetables

Afternoon Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • Sprouts salad with lemon juice and spices
  • Guava or an orange

Dinner (Calories: ~450-500):

  • Lentil soup (dal) or paneer curry
  • Quinoa or whole wheat roti
  • Stir-fried vegetables

Before Bed Snack (Calories: ~100):

  • Warm turmeric milk
  • A few mixed seeds like flaxseeds or chia seeds

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