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High-Calorie Oat Shake

High-Calorie Oat Shake

High-Calorie Oat Shake


The High-Calorie Oat Shake is a nutrient-dense and energy-packed beverage that serves as a perfect option for individuals looking to gain weight, build muscle, or fuel themselves for intense physical activities. This shake combines the goodness of oats, healthy fats, and other nutritious ingredients to provide a high-calorie shake that not only tastes delicious but also offers a balance of essential nutrients.


  • 1 cup whole milk or any plant-based milk (e.g., almond milk, coconut milk)
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter or almond butter
  • 1 medium-sized banana
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional, for additional nutrients)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional, for flavor)
  • Ice cubes, as needed


  1. In a blender, add the whole milk or plant-based milk of your choice.

  2. Toss in the rolled oats for added fiber and sustained energy.

  3. Add the natural peanut butter or almond butter for healthy fats and a nutty flavor.

  4. Peel and slice the banana, then add it to the blender.

  5. If you prefer a sweeter shake, drizzle in the honey or maple syrup.

  6. Add the chia seeds for an extra boost of nutrients and texture (optional).

  7. Pour in the vanilla extract for a hint of aromatic flavor.

  8. Optionally, sprinkle in some ground cinnamon for a warm and comforting taste.

  9. If you prefer a chilled shake, add a few ice cubes to the blender.

  10. Blend all the ingredients until the mixture turns into a smooth and creamy consistency.

  11. Taste the High-Calorie Oat Shake and adjust the sweetness or thickness by adding more honey, peanut butter, or milk if needed.

  12. Once the shake is ready, pour it into a large glass.

  13. Garnish the shake with a sprinkle of oats or a banana slice for a delightful presentation.

  14. Serve the High-Calorie Oat Shake immediately and savor the nourishing goodness with every sip.


  1. Use whole milk or a creamy plant-based milk for added calories and richness.

  2. Rolled oats provide a hearty texture, but you can also use quick oats if desired.

  3. Adjust the sweetness by adding honey, maple syrup, or any other sweetener of your preference.

  4. Peanut butter or almond butter adds healthy fats and a delicious nutty taste.

  5. Chia seeds contribute to additional nutrients, but you can omit them if you prefer a smoother texture.

  6. Customize the shake by adding protein powder for extra protein and calories.

  7. For an even creamier shake, consider adding a scoop of Greek yogurt.

  8. Feel free to add other fruits like berries or mango for different flavor variations.

  9. Add a dash of cocoa powder or chocolate chips for a chocolate-flavored oat shake.

  10. Sip the High-Calorie Oat Shake slowly to enjoy the satisfying taste and energy.

  11. Enjoy the shake as a high-calorie breakfast or post-workout refuel.

  12. Embrace the energy-packed goodness of oats, peanut butter, and banana in this shake.

  13. Share the High-Calorie Oat Shake with anyone looking to increase their calorie intake in a delicious way.

  14. Drink the shake regularly as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle to support your health and fitness goals.


  • Calories: Approximately 500-600 calories per serving (or more, depending on serving size and ingredients)
  • Protein: Around 15-20 grams per serving
  • Carbohydrates: Approximately 60-70 grams per serving
  • Fat: About 25-30 grams per serving
  • Fiber: Approximately 7-10 grams per serving

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