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Heart Health Haven A Mediterranean Diet Plan for Cardiovascular Wellness


Embark on a journey to promote cardiovascular well-being with a thoughtfully crafted Mediterranean diet plan. This wholesome approach emphasizes heart-healthy foods rich in nutrients and flavors.


  • Heart-Healthy Fats:
  • Olive oil, nuts, and fatty fish provide essential omega-3 fatty acids for cardiovascular health.
  • Rich in Antioxidants:
  • Abundant antioxidants from colorful fruits and vegetables combat oxidative stress.
  • Fiber for Digestive Health:
  • Whole grains, legumes, and vegetables support a healthy digestive system.
  • Lean Proteins:
  • Lean sources of protein, such as chicken and tofu, contribute to muscle health.
  • Balanced Nutrition:
  • A balance of nutrients promotes overall well-being and sustains energy levels.

Mediterranean Diet ( Non-Vegetarian )

Breakfast (Calories: ~350-400):

  • Smoked salmon and avocado toast.
  • Poached eggs with cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs.
  • A cup of green tea.

Mid-Morning Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • Greek yogurt with a handful of mixed berries.

Lunch (Calories: ~500-550):

  • Grilled chicken breast with a quinoa and vegetable salad, dressed in olive oil and lemon.
  • Steamed asparagus on the side.

Afternoon Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • Hummus with whole grain pita and cucumber slices.

Dinner (Calories: ~450-500):

  • Baked cod with a Mediterranean tomato and olive salsa.
  • Roasted sweet potatoes.
  • Greek-style green beans.

Evening Snack (Calories: ~100):

  • A small bowl of citrus segments.

Mediterranean Diet ( Vegetarian )

Breakfast (Calories: ~350-400):

  • Mediterranean-style avocado and cherry tomato toast.
  • Scrambled tofu with spinach and herbs.
  • A cup of herbal tea.

Mid-Morning Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • Mixed fruit salad with a dollop of coconut yogurt.

Lunch (Calories: ~500-550):

  • Quinoa-stuffed bell peppers with a light tomato and basil sauce.
  • Greek salad with olives and feta.

Afternoon Snack (Calories: ~150):

  • Whole grain crackers with a spread of olive tapenade.

Dinner (Calories: ~450-500):

  • Lentil and vegetable moussaka.
  • Zucchini noodles with lemon and herbs.
  • Mediterranean-style roasted chickpeas.

Evening Snack (Calories: ~100):

  • Dark chocolate-covered almonds.

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